'); G-4KHGFKKRZR America in Therapy - Hope and Healing for a Nation in Crisis - OTR - Achieving Mental Health for Real

Episode 1

Published on:

12th Jan 2024

America in Therapy - Hope and Healing for a Nation in Crisis

In this episode we talk with a special guest. Her name is Phyllis E. Leavitt, and she is a psychotherapist with over 30 years of working extensively with individual and family dysfunction and abuse. We talk about what’s in her new book called “America in Therapy: A New Approach to Hope and Healing For A Nation In Crisis”, in which she talks about the urgency to bring our whole country to therapy in a way never written about before. Which is critically important if we want to make this world a better place for real. Especially In the times we live in. If we have any hope, then it has to start at home.

This subject is so important to me because it’s the message I want to bring out in this podcast, especially when so many people are suffering with their mental health or the loss of a loved one this holiday season. America and the world need to heel If we are to continue to be a civilized culture. The divisional and tribal stubbornness and network Propaganda and manipulation of the people has divided this country and families. We need to listen to each other, not hate.

From Phyllis’ years of experience as a client herself, and well over 30 years experience as a psychotherapist she has a calling to share all she has learned with the public and demonstrate how the principles of the best psychotherapy can be used to help heal our country of escalating hatred, divisiveness and violence. She speaks to all of us who fear for our children and all future generations, who may feel hopeless or resigned or simply don't know what to do to help create a more loving and sustainable world. She brings a message of both urgency and hope, in language the layman can easily relate to and understand, through personal stories, client case studies, and professional expertise.

Her basic premise is that we are on a collision course with our own extinction and she see this as a national and global mental health crisis that is not being addressed. She explores the direct correlation between the most destructive family dynamics on the individual level and many of the behaviors and actions of some of our most powerful institutions and leaders, and she highlight that millions of us are suffering the effects of national psychological dysfunction in ways we might not be aware of. She helps the listener understand that many answers of how to heal our human relations and restore us to peace and safety are already known and used effectively in the field of psychotherapy, and that there is HOPE if we can take everything we know about healing into national conversation. The best psychotherapy helps interrupt the cycle of violence— which is our best hope of prevention— and it involves a total reversal of many of the beliefs and dynamics that now run our country.

Phyllis' sites:

Official Webpage: https://phyllisleavitt.com/

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/phyllis.leavitt

Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/phyllis_e_leavitt/

Twitter: https://twitter.com/PhyllisLeavitt

Linkedin: https://www.linkedin.com/in/phyllis-leavitt-630179255/

YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCOdxqvDK9N421AZ5TTxqUgQ

 OTR sites:

Podcast Website: https://bobadleman.wixsite.com/otrmentalhealth

Mail:          OvertheRainbowbob@gmail.com

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/otrachievingmentalhealhfr

Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/over_the_rainbow_achieving  

Twitter:     https://twitter.com/overtherain1bown

YouTube Channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UChEYTddPDUaiZbFliit1r5Q

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About the Podcast

OTR - Achieving Mental Health for Real
This podcast offers hope for people who suffer with Depression/Anxiety, ADHD, OCD, Bi Polar, PTSD, Dyslexia and other mental health conditions. We have interviews with ordinary people that share their stories of recovery. We also have experts and coaches that offer techniques on how to achieve mental health for real. I think there is a lot of information, help and hope on the voyage home. Write me at overtherainbowbob@gmail.com Or follow on Twitter @Overtherain1bow https://twitter.com/overtherain1bow Or on Facebook at https://www.facebook.com/otrachievingmentalhealhfr /><

About your host

Profile picture for Robert Adleman

Robert Adleman

I am a 64-year-old male with ADHD, OCD, severe depression, severe  anxiety, and dyslexia. I struggled for 40 years working in the high-pressured Information technology field. Even though it was good money, I didn't have much luck in the financial department.
In 1991, at the age of 33, was when the severe anxiety attack occurred, and the support system was not there to handle it. So, I checked myself in to a mental hospital in Piscataway, NJ. That started my long road to recovery. After the attack, I was severely depressed and anxious for 6 months. This experience is detailed in episode four "Beating Severe Anxiety/Depression".