'); G-4KHGFKKRZR Real - Best of "OTR - Achieving Mental Health for Real" Part 3 - OTR - Achieving Mental Health for Real

Episode 16

Published on:

25th Nov 2024

Real - Best of "OTR - Achieving Mental Health for Real" Part 3

The episode of Real “the best of OTR – Achieving Mental Health for Real”. Part 3 covers the remaining part of 2021 and all of 2022.

There will be a fourth and final Real episode to premier on Christmas day along with all parts of the series live on YouTube and Facebook live.

Here are the websites for all the guests on part 3. Enjoy.

Gigi Langer's Sites (Beating Anxiety, Depression and Addiction with Dr. Gigi Langer's Four Strategies ):

Book: “50 Ways to Worry Less Now  or  https://www.amazon.com/s?k=50+ways+to+worry+less+now&crid=1AC8SEKEO7JYJ&sprefix=50+way+to+worry+l%2Caps%2C143&ref=nb_sb_ss_i_1_17:

Reject Negative Thinking to Find Peace, Clarity, and Connection” by Gigi Langer PhD (Amazon 4.8 stars)

For a Free Audiobook  and PDF worksheets please write to Gigi at  glanger2202@gmail.com . Supplies are limited.

Website   GigiLanger.com  (also find blog & sign up for newsletter) - Audiobook & e-book on Amazon & other vendors

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/search/top/?q=Gigi%20Langer%20author&epa=SEARCH_BOX

Twitter: @gigi_Langer or https://twitter.com/gigi_langer

Highly Sensitive Person, Dr Elaine Aron,  www.Hsperson.com

- A Course in Miracles (acim.org) Easier to read: Marianne Williamson, A Return to Love; Karen Casey, Daily Meditations to Practice the Course; also Karen Casey, 52 Ways to Practice A Course in Miracles

- Radical Forgiveness. Colin Tipping  www.RadicalForgiveness.com

- IS It True? The Work, Byron Katie,  www.thework.com

- The Golden Key  www.metaphysicspirit.com/books/The%20Golden%20Key%20to%20Prayer.pdf- elf-compassion Kristen Neff    www.selfcompassion.org  She also has a nice guided meditation in Insight Timer App.

-Vision Boards: I have an example in this blog


John Lee (from What is the Meaning of life?) Company web site:


Rodolfo De Angeli

 Website:   https://lifeartistmastery.com

Facebook: https://facebook.com/groups/lifeartistmastery

Instagram: https://instagram.com/rodolfodeangeli

Micheall's (The Smartt of Art) social media:

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/michaell.magrutsche

Tumblr : https://michaellart.tumblr.com/?fbclid=IwAR0BbpJNsw-CREbKndhhqI9366ofiVbHFceF5idbw3ZLyBl1uZVMu2svIKQ

Website: https://michaellm.com/?fbclid=IwAR2Y8I3iL7WbGj1POxTDYJ6Yh-M36T8dR0opNGgoMtUohzFQ0gezZrJvS58

For Michaell's PDF on how to handle dyslexia - The human way - please link to https://files.captivate.fm/library/88d2ff7a-5113-49ab-a226-1c9647054367/Dyslexia-20a-20Humane-20Solution-20-20Michaell-20Magrutsche-206.pdf

Dawn Barclay's site

Website: http://www.travelingdifferent.com 

Twitter/X: https://x.com/travelingdiff

Facebook: www.facebook.com/travelingdifferent

Instagram: www.instagram.com/traveling_different

LinkedIn: www.linkedin.com/in/dawnbarclay

Fred Rutma Social Media (Repeatedly Dead Fred)

Book: The Summer I died 20 times

Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/repeatedlydf/

Linkedin: https://www.linkedin.com/in/fredrutman/

Kimberly Bell

The Epitome of Kimmy (Amazon Books)








Gabriele Muller (A Life Worth Living)

Website: https://www.coachformentalhealth.com

Email: info@coachformentalhealth.com

Keith Harrison's Site (First Responders’ Tier Support)


Doctor Walt Karniski's (ADHD Revealed )Website which includes his new book:


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Show artwork for OTR - Achieving Mental Health for Real

About the Podcast

OTR - Achieving Mental Health for Real
This podcast offers hope for people who suffer with Depression/Anxiety, ADHD, OCD, Bi Polar, PTSD, Dyslexia and other mental health conditions. We have interviews with ordinary people that share their stories of recovery. We also have experts and coaches that offer techniques on how to achieve mental health for real. I think there is a lot of information, help and hope on the voyage home. Write me at overtherainbowbob@gmail.com Or follow on Twitter @Overtherain1bow https://twitter.com/overtherain1bow Or on Facebook at https://www.facebook.com/otrachievingmentalhealhfr /><

About your host

Profile picture for Robert Adleman

Robert Adleman

I am a 64-year-old male with ADHD, OCD, severe depression, severe  anxiety, and dyslexia. I struggled for 40 years working in the high-pressured Information technology field. Even though it was good money, I didn't have much luck in the financial department.
In 1991, at the age of 33, was when the severe anxiety attack occurred, and the support system was not there to handle it. So, I checked myself in to a mental hospital in Piscataway, NJ. That started my long road to recovery. After the attack, I was severely depressed and anxious for 6 months. This experience is detailed in episode four "Beating Severe Anxiety/Depression".