'); G-4KHGFKKRZR Spirituality - A Tool for Mental Health (PTSD,ADHD) - OTR - Achieving Mental Health for Real

Episode 3

Published on:

15th Feb 2024

Spirituality - A Tool for Mental Health (PTSD,ADHD)

In this episode we talk with Dr Mark Weisman about spirituality and how that relates to Mental Health conditions like PTSD and ADHD. Dr. Mark is Known as the "Alaska Ulfhednar". If you don’t know what that is he explains how he got the title.

Mark has worked with hundreds of "friends" (he calls them) to help them find a path to recovery from many different mental health challenges. Primarily working with former members of the military both in the US and abroad to build futures through the darkness of PTSD, he uses the simplicity of his cultural heritage as a Norse Shaman to restore lives and give hope. Dr Weiman has advanced degrees in religion, psychology, and telecommunications,

We touch on spirituality as it relates to Mental Health, religion, consciousness, and the Universe. I also talk about ADHD and why that may cause interpersonal issues and other problems in todays society.

Even if you don’t buy into all this, our discussion is very interesting, and he impressed me with his kindness, intelligence, and spirituality. It makes for a very entertaining episode.

I would also like to thank everyone who listens on a regular basis, and I still believe we can all achieve mental health as real as it gets. We are learning what we need to know to have a much happier life for real. We have some great shows coming up and I will continue to try to push the cause to eradicate the stigma of mental health and to push for accommodations for ADHD. I feel despite all my issues I am making progress, and I am just getting started. Stay tuned and let others know about the show. We can all heal together with hope for the future. We are winning and thank you to all of you.

Dr. Mark Weisman's Sites:

Book: Turn to Final

Official Webpage: https://akulfhednar.com/

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/Akulfhednar/

Twitter: https://twitter.com/akulfhednar

 OTR sites:

Podcast Website: https://bobadleman.wixsite.com/otrmentalhealth

Mail:          OvertheRainbowbob@gmail.com

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/otrachievingmentalhealhfr

Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/over_the_rainbow_achieving  

Twitter:     https://twitter.com/overtherain1bown

YouTube Channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UChEYTddPDUaiZbFliit1r5Q

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Show artwork for OTR - Achieving Mental Health for Real

About the Podcast

OTR - Achieving Mental Health for Real
This podcast offers hope for people who suffer with Depression/Anxiety, ADHD, OCD, Bi Polar, PTSD, Dyslexia and other mental health conditions. We have interviews with ordinary people that share their stories of recovery. We also have experts and coaches that offer techniques on how to achieve mental health for real. I think there is a lot of information, help and hope on the voyage home. Write me at overtherainbowbob@gmail.com Or follow on Twitter @Overtherain1bow https://twitter.com/overtherain1bow Or on Facebook at https://www.facebook.com/otrachievingmentalhealhfr /><

About your host

Profile picture for Robert Adleman

Robert Adleman

I am a 64-year-old male with ADHD, OCD, severe depression, severe  anxiety, and dyslexia. I struggled for 40 years working in the high-pressured Information technology field. Even though it was good money, I didn't have much luck in the financial department.
In 1991, at the age of 33, was when the severe anxiety attack occurred, and the support system was not there to handle it. So, I checked myself in to a mental hospital in Piscataway, NJ. That started my long road to recovery. After the attack, I was severely depressed and anxious for 6 months. This experience is detailed in episode four "Beating Severe Anxiety/Depression".